4th Grade

Welcome to the Fabulous world of Fourth grade! Fourth grade in Alden is a year of Discovery. Students discover new information through science experiments, problem-solving, and relating learning to the real world. Fourth graders also discover and learn through the use of technology and projects. Working in groups in all content areas is done regularly and fourth graders are a real family. If you visit you will get a sense of community in our classroom.

CKLA Reading:

Using CKLA as our language arts curriculum, students will continue to explore a variety of literature. Daily as they are constructing their own meaning from their readings, they will use evidence to enhance their ideas. They will acquire writing skills that will help them to share their thoughts and appeal to an audience.

Personal Narratives

Empires in the Middle Ages


Eureka! Student Inventor


Contemporary Fiction

American Revolution

Treasure Island

Illustrative Math:

Illustrative Math will use concepts from third grade to build on fourth grade skills. There is heavy emphasis on working with fractions and comparing the values of numbers in fourth grade.




By fourth grade, students have been exposed to several previous science topics in reading and science. Students will continue to add to their basic knowledge by getting a more indpeth understanding of life, earth and physical sciences.

Mystery Doug Units:

Human Body, Vision, and the Brain

Earth’s Features and Processes

Sound, Waves, and Communication

Energy, Energy transfer and Electricity