2nd Grade


Mrs. Peterson

Mrs. Rabe

Mrs. Stockdale

Mrs. Van Hove

Second grade is the youngest grade level attending Rock Run Elementary. The students spend a lot of time throughout the day learning foundational skills and applying them to real-life situations.

CKLA Literacy:

Students will be utilizing the CKLA curriculum to gain reading knowledge and skills to help them become more confident readers. In the knowledge part of the day, we will be exposed to rich text above our grade level to help us build background knowledge and understand that reading helps us to learn new things. The teacher models the reading in this part of our day. The skills portion helps us to continue to learn more complex decoding skills and build multisyllabic words.

CKLA Knowledge Units:

Fairy Tales and Tall Tales

Early Asian Civilizations

The Ancient Greek Civilization

Greek Myths

The War of 1812

Cycles in Nature

Westward Expansion


The US Civil War

Human Body: Building Blocks and Nutrition


Fighting for a Cause

2nd Grade School Day

8:15-8:35 - Cadet Time

8:35-9:30 - Math

9:30-10:00 - Math Intervention

10:00-11:00 - CKLA Skills

11:00-11:55 - Lunch & Recess

11:55-12:45 - Specials

12:45-1:45 - CKLA Knowledge

1:45-2:15 - Science

2:15-2:30 - Recess

2:30-3:10 - Reading WIN

3:10-3:20 - Check out

3:20 - Dismissal