3rd Grade


Mrs. Hartford

Mrs. Kulow

Mr. Sheahan

Mrs. Weidemann

Third grade at Rock Run Elementary has integrated a unique "Star Sneetch of the Week" program into their curriculum. The emphasis is on enhancing the child's self concept. Each student has a week designated throughout the school year where they get to share information about themselves with the class and have special guests visit. Third grade students visit the Science Center in Des Moines each spring for their field trip.

CKLA Literacy

Reading shifts this year as we are finalizing our foundational skills acquisition and applying our knowledge of word parts to understand new words and gain reading comprehension. Students are shifting from learning to read to reading to learn in our CKLA curriculum. They still are exposed to rich topics that will build from knowledge of previous years.

Classic Tales: The Wind in the Willows

Animal Classification

The Human Body: Systems and Senses

The Ancient Roman Civilization

Light and Sound

The Viking Age

Astronomy: Our Solar System and Beyond

Native Americans: Regions and Cultures

Early Explorations of North America

Colonial America


Illustrative Math

3rd Grade School Day

8:15-8:35 - Cadet Time

8:35-9:25 - Specials

9:30-10:30 - CKLA

10:30-11:00 - Science

11:00-11:25 - Math Intervention

11:25-12:15 - Lunch & Recess

12:15-1:10 - CKLA

1:10-1:50 - Reading WIN

1:50-2:05 - Recess

2:05-3:10 - Math

3:10-3:20 - Check out

3:25 - Dismissal